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Wednesday, 01 April 2020 17:58

Scientists at the Institute of Oceanology have created a unique high-resolution 3-dimensional array of data on the state of the atmosphere in the North Atlantic

A description of the project and the array is published in an article in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology:

Alexander Gavrikov, Sergey K. Gulev, Margarita Markina, Natalia Tilinina, Polina Verezemskaya, Bernard Barnier, Ambroise Dufour, Olga Zolina, Yulia Zyulyaeva, Mikhail Krinitsky, Ivan Okhlopkov, Alexey Sokov RAS-NAAD: 40-year high resolution North Atlantic atmospheric hindcast for multipurpose applications (New dataset for the regional meso-scale studies in the atmosphere and the ocean) DOI: 10.1175 / JAMC-D-19-0190.1 NAAD domain thum

RAS-NAAD presents a 40-year retrospective reconstruction of the atmosphere of the North Atlantic (10 ° N - 80 ° N) with a spatial resolution of 14 km and with 50 vertical levels (up to 50 hPa), created using the regional model WRF-ARW 3.8.1 per period 1979-2018 NAAD includes all basic surface and free atmosphere parameters at model sigma levels with a 3-hour time resolution. The 3-dimensional array meets many of the requirements of meteorologists, climatologists and oceanographers working in both the research and operational fields. The entire array will be available to users within a few weeks. The use of high resolution and a non-hydrostatic model in NAAD allow for the first time to resolve mesoscale dynamics, primarily in subpolar latitudes. NAAD applications for simulating ocean circulation and wind waves are demonstrated.

NAAD data ( includes predictive and diagnostic surface and troposphere variables provided on NAAD grids with resolutions of 14 and 77 km for the period 1979-2018. Since the base AAD model uses an offset Arakawa C-grid, all three-dimensional fields are interpolated from the C-grid to mass points. The entire NAAD data archive is 150 TB with individual annual files ranging from approximately 140 MB in low resolution (77 km) to 3.3 GB in high resolution (14 km) for surface variables and approximately 165 GB for 3D fields. All NAAD data output is organized as annual NetCDF variable files and is available at for download using FTP and OPeNDAP access.