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28 мая 2020

Virtual Ocean Literacy Summit

По случаю Всемирного дня океанов, 8 июня, Межправительственная океанографическая комиссия ЮНЕСКО в партнерстве с Ocean Wise, EuroGOOS и Experimential Atelier проведет первый Виртуальный саммит по грамотности в связанных с океаном вопросах. Это мероприятие отметит успехи в этой области во всем мире и расскажет о них как о важнейшем инструменте для превращения научных знаний в практические действия. ioi conf 2

On the occasion of World Oceans Day, 8th of June, UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission will host the first Virtual Ocean Literacy Summit, in partnership with Ocean Wise, EuroGOOS and Experiential Atelier.

This exclusive edition will celebrate the successes of the Ocean Literacy community worldwide and explore them as an essential tool for the transformation of scientific knowledge into action.

In the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 – 2030 (“The Decade” for short), Ocean Literacy is expected to play a key role to transform ocean knowledge into action. As part of the Decade, OL will help to advance sustainable production practices, develop evidence-based public marine policy, influence the ocean science research agenda by identifying the science questions that are most relevant to society, promote a more responsible citizenry, and encourage young people to start a career in the ocean economy or in marine science.

More information and the link to register can be found here.