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Olga Pintar

200x300 images contact O Pintar Chief Specialist
Editor of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oceanological Research

IO RAS Publishing House
IT Center
Scientific and auxiliary units of the Institute

36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia



1984 year of birth. In 2006 she graduated from the Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology: she has two higher educations - two diplomas, the main specialty is an environmental chemist, industrial ecology, the second specialty is “economics and enterprise management”.

2001 to 2007 studied at the Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, specializing in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. In the course of her studies, she was trained in the second specialty "Economics and Enterprise Management" - she received a diploma of the second higher education.

Labor activity:
2006-2006 - Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Ivanovo region, Ivanovo (Ivanovo region), specialist of the 3rd category, carrying out the state ecological expertise of environmental materials.

2006-2008 - FGBU "Center for laboratory analysis and technical measurements in the Central Federal District", branch in the Ivanovo region, Ivanovo (Ivanovo region), environmental engineer Acceptance of calculation of payments for negative impact on the environment (NVOS) from enterprises, entry into the database. Development of environmental documentation: maximum permissible emissions (MPE), draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal (PNOOLR), hazardous waste passports (POO).

2008-2008 - JSC "Ivanovo Design Institute for Urban Planning Industry and Research No. 6", Ivanovo (Ivanovo region), environmental engineer. Development of environmental documentation: MPE, environmental impact assessment (EIA), Reduction of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ), PNOOLR, hazardous waste passports.

2008-2009 - LLC "Environmental Auditing Chamber", Ivanovo (Ivanovo region). Environmental engineer. Development of environmental documentation: MPE, OVOS, Reduction of SPZ, PNOOLR, hazardous waste passports, calculation of fees for NVOS.

2009-2018 - JSC "GC SHANEKO" Moscow. Environmental engineer of the 2nd category. Development of environmental documentation in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents: sections "List of measures for environmental protection", EIA, Reduction of SPZ, PNOOLR, hazardous waste passports.

From 2019 to the present, she works as a chief specialist - editor at the Editorial Board of the Journal of Oceanological Research, is responsible for administrative issues, processes manuscripts submitted by authors to the journal's website in the OJS system and checks them for plagiarism, prepares documents for uploading to RSCI and CrossRef, is responsible for interaction with VAK.