Head of Laboratory
Leading Researcher
PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Ocean Optics Laboratory
Ocean Physics
36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
+7(499)124-75-83, internal phone 0312
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Born in Ryazan, 1993. The bachelor, master and PhD postgraduate of MIPT in 2014, 2016, 2019 correspondingly. The supervisor – Dr. Oleg Kopelevich. By getting the PhD degree, he stood for his thesis “Optical characteristics of the surface layer of the Russian Arctic seas and their implementation for bio-ecological researches and monitoring”.
Since 2013, he has been working in Ocean Optics Laboratory at the IO RAS. Since 2021 – the head of the laboratory. In 2019-2020 – was the assistant of General Physics Department in MIPT. Since 2021, he has been delivering lectures on ocean optics to MIPT Thermohydromechanics Department students. Scientific interests include seawater optical properties research, i.e. fluorescent and absorptive, with the help of contact and satellite methods.
The main results:
- Showed that type of the salinity and yellow substance fluorescence intensity correlation allows to distinguish differences in manifestation of thawed glaciers and riverine waters in Barents and Kara seas.
- Pointed out the possibility of using satellite maps of absorption coefficient of coloured dissolved organic matter for estimation of river runoff distribution in the Kara Sea.
- Participated in the workout of several devices and their calibration methods.
The participant of 13 ocean and 7 coastal expeditions. The author and co-author of 26 scientific articles, and monograph ‘Bio-optical characteristics of the seas, surrounding the western part of Russia, from data of the satellite ocean color scanners of 1998-2017’.
Scholar of V. Potanin’s Charity Fund (2015-2016), recipient of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation (2021-2022) and a grant from the Russian Science Foundation for the implementation of the Presidential Program of Research Projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists (2021-2024).
Member of the editorial board of the Oceanology journal, guest editor of the special issue of the Remote Sensing journal.
Main publications:
- Glukhovets D., Sheberstov S., Vazyulya S., Yushmanova A., Salyuk P., Sahling I., Aglova E. Influence of the Accuracy of Chlorophyll-Retrieval Algorithms on the Estimation of Solar Radiation Absorbed in the Barents Sea // Remote Sensing. 2022. Vol. 14. № 19. 4995.
- Glukhovets D.I., Goldin Yu.A. Express method for chlorophyll concentration assessment // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2021. Vol. 8.
- Glukhovets D.I., Salyuk P.A., Artemiev V.A., Shtraikhert E.A., Zakharkov S.P. Variability of bio-optical characteristics of surface water layer during transatlantic transect in 2019–2020 // Oceanology, 2021, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 872–880.
- Glukhovets D., Kopelevich O., Yushmanova A., Vazyulya S., Sheberstov S., Karalli P., Sahling I. Evaluation of the CDOM Absorption Coefficient in the Arctic Seas Based on Sentinel-3 OLCI Data // Remote Sensing. 2020. Vol. 12. № 19. 3210.
- Glukhovets D.I., Goldin Yu.A. Surface desalinated layer distribution in the Kara Sea determined by shipboard and satellite data // Oceanologia. 2020. № 62. № 3. P. 364-373.
- Glukhovets D.I., Goldin Yu.A. Surface layer desalination of the bays on the east coast of Novaya Zemlya identified by shipboard and satellite data // Oceanologia. 2019. Vol. 61. № 1. P. 68-77.