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Pavel Shabanov

SHabanov 0Junior Researcher

Sea-Air Interaction and Climate Laboratory (SAIL)
Ocean Physics

36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
Phone: +7(499)124-79-28

He is a climatologist. In 2010, he graduated with honors from the Geography Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Meteorology, in 2010-2013 he studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Oceanology of RAS. From 2011 to the present, he has been working in the Sea-Air interaction and Clemate laboratory.

Research interests:

  • sea ice;
  • climate change;
  • extreme atmospheric precipitation;
  • general circulation of the atmosphere.

Scientific activity:

He is the author of over 25 scientific papers.

  • Twitter. Scientific retweets and useful links on scientific data processing
  • ResearchGate. Publication of preprints of articles, abstracts and reports at conferences
  • Telegram @ pashabanov. Operational communication on scientific and public issues
  • ISTINA MSU. Cooperation with colleagues from Moscow State University

In 2016-2017 he was the head of the RFBR grant 16-35-00212 mol_a "Extreme precipitation in the European territory of Russia and high-altitude frontal zones: diagnosis and search for relationships".

Social activity:

Since 2019, he has been a member of the Council of Young Scientists (SMU) of the IO RAS from the physical direction.

Educational activities:

  1. Shabanov P.A. Basic course of python programming in earth sciences [Electronic resource]. URL: (15.03.2021).
  2. Shabanov P.A. Scientific graphics in python [Electronic resource]. URL: (16.07.2015). 
  3. Telegram channel @progeoru. Channel about the climate. Up-to-date scientific information on climate change in the Arctic. News on community climate initiatives.
  4. Blog progeoru. Notes on programming in earth sciences.
  5. Community PROGEORU on Vkontakte. We study the climate of our planet. Computer science and technology help us with this. Up-to-date scientific information on climate change, news on public climate initiatives. About programming in python as a universal data analysis tool.