Head of Laboratory
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Laboratory of Marine Turbulence
Ocean Physics
36, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
+7 (499)124-63-96
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Physicist-oceanologist, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences (1990), Professor (2000), from 1998 – head of Laboratory of marine turbulence.
In 1968 he entered the Moscow physical-technical Institute, and in 1974 he graduated of the MPTI. In 1977 he defended his thesis and began working in the Laboratory of marine turbulence of the Institute of Oceanology. In 1990 he defended his doctoral thesis on "The fine thermohaline structure of the ocean: forms of existence and mechanisms of generation".
His research interests include experimental and theoretical studies of turbulent mixing and diffusion, fine thermohaline stratification, as well as observations and numerical modeling of mesoscale processes in the ocean (eddies, jets, fronts). In recent years, he actively involved in international scientific cooperation, having worked a long time at the oceanological centers in South Korea, Finland, and Estonia as a visiting scientist.
He is an active participant in the forwarding work of the Institute, he spent in total ocean trips about 3 years as a member of the expedition, the head of the unit, the deputy chief and the chief of the expedition.
In 1977 he created a pop-up model of a turbulent jet in a stratified environment, which is still successfully used in the international project on monitoring of the pollution distribution in the ocean while dumping municipal sewage into the Bay Mamala, Honolulu, Hawaii. In 1981 he, together with N.P.Kuzmina theoretically considered the problem of the spreading of mixed spot in a rotating stably stratified fluid, which was the first description of the dynamics of intra-thermoclinic anticyclonic lenses. In 1983-1986 in 4 ocean expeditions he carried out a systematic research of the phenomenon of quasipermanent stepwise stratification of the main thermocline in the North-Western part of Tropical Atlantic. The new result of the research was the understanding of the role of the intrusive processes in the formation of thermohaline staircases.
In addition, he has developed an algorithmic classification of forms of thin thermohaline structure of the ocean (1987). In 1988, through empirical analysis of the profiling data in the frontal zone of the Gulf stream, it was first investigated the effect of baroclinity on the process of intrusional stratification. In the Baltic sea it was discovered sub-surface cyclonic eddies, having the form of concave lenses in the field of density-antipode of intra-thermoclinic anticyclonic vortices (convex lenses). The mechanisms of formation of subsurface cyclonic eddies-anti-lenses were discovered (1997-2005).
He developed a new method of statistical calculation of the effective coefficient of lateral exchange in the ocean according drifters, free from the masking effect of shift of flow rate. The application of the method to the global data array of the drifters made it possible first to construct maps of the coefficient of lateral exchange in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. According to the drifters it was first obtained instrumental evidence of the existence of the Subtropical counter-current in the Pacific ocean in the southern hemisphere (2001-2004).It was created an eddy-resolving numerical model of the Baltic sea in order to adequately simulate of the mesoscale processes.
On the basis of numerical experiments with eddy-resolving ocean model it was investigated the stability of the baroclinic coastal jet associated with coastal up - and downwelling.
He is the author of over 100 articles.
The most important publications
- Zhurbas V., Maria Golenko M., Paka V., Korzh A., 2024. Wind-driven salinity tongue migration in the Gulf of Finland according to NEMO and ERA5 reanalyses. Journal of Marine Systems 242, 103932. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103932.
- Zhurbas V., Lebedev K., Kuzmina N., 2023. Is there the Equatorial Water mass in the Atlantic Ocean? Geophysical Research Letters, in press.
- Zhurbas V.M., Golenko M.N., Kalugin I.A., Zavialov P.O., 2022. Testing and correcting gridded bathymetry of the Issyk-Kul. Journal of Oceanological Research, 20(1), 3–10, DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2022.50(1).1
- Zhurbas V., Väli G., 2022. Wind-controlled transport of saltwater in the southeastern Baltic Sea: A model study. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:835656, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2022.835656
- Zhurbas V., Väli G., Kuzmina N., 2022. Striped texture of submesoscale fields in the northeastern Baltic Proper: Results of very high-resolution numerical modelling for summer season. Oceanologia, 64(1), 1–21. DOI:10.1016/j.oceano.2021.08.003.
- Golenko M., Paka V., Zhurbas V., Korzh A., Kondrashov A., 2021. Intermediate plumes of low oxygen in the southeastern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 65(4), DOI:10.1016/j.oceano.2021.12.003.
- Väli G., Zhurbas V.M., 2021. Seasonality of submesoscale coherent vortices in the Northern Baltic Proper: A model study. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics, 14(3), 122–129. https://doi.org/10.7868/S2073667321030114.
- Jakacki Jа., Andrzejewski Ja., Przyborska A., Muzyka M., Gordon D., Nawała Ja., Popiel S., Golenko M., Zhurbas V., Paka V., 2020. High resolution model for assessment of contamination by chemical warfare agents dumped in the Baltic Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 161. 105079, doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105079.
- Korshenko E., Zhurbas V., Osadchiev A., Belyakova P., 2020. Fate of river-borne floating litter the flooding event in the northeastern part of the Black Sea in October 2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160. 111678, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111678.
- PakaV.T., Zhurbas V.M., Golenko M.N., Korzh A.O., Kondrashov A.A., Shchuka S.A. 2019. Innovative closely spaced profiling and current velocity measurements in the southern Baltic Sea in 2016–2018 with special reference to the bottom layer. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7:111, doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00111.
- Zhurbas V.M., Paka V.T., Golenko M.N., Korzh A.O., 2019. Transformation of eastward spreading saline water at the Słupk Sill of the Baltic sea: an estimate based on microstructure measurements. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics, 12(2), 43–49, doi: 10.7868/S2073667319020060.
- Zhurbas V., Väli G., Kuzmina N., 2019. Rotation of floating particles in submesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies: a model study for the southeastern Baltic Sea. Ocean Sci., 15, 1691–1705, https://doi.org/10.5194/os-15-1691-2019.
- Zhurbas V., Väli G., Kostianoy A., Lavrova O., 2019. Hindcast of the mesoscale eddy field in the Southeastern Baltic Sea: Model output vs satellite imagery. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 19, ES4006, doi:10.2205/2019ES000672.
- Zhurbas V.M., 2018. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of Rostislav Vsevolodovich Ozmidov (1928-1998). Journal of Oceanological Research, 48(1), 144-149. doi: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2018.46(1).14.
- Rühs S., Zhurbas V., Koszalka I.M., Durgadoo J.V., Biastoch A., 2018. Eddy Diffusivity Estimates from Lagrangian Trajectories Simulated with Ocean Models and Surface Drifter Data—A Case Study for the Greater Agulhas System. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48, 175-196, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0048.1.
- Zhurbas V., Väli G., Golenko, M., Paka, V., 2018. Variability of bottom friction velocity along the inflow water pathway in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 184, 50-58, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.04.008.
- Väli G., Zhurbas V.M., Laanemets J., Lips U., 2018. Clustering of floating particles due to submesoscale dynanics: a simulation study for the Gulf of Finland. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics, 11(2), 21–35, doi: 10.7868/S2073667318020028.
- Zhurbas V.M., Kuzmina N.P., Lyzhkov D.A., 2017. Eddy formation behind a coastal cape in a flow generated by transient longshore wind (numerical experiments). Oceanology, 57(3), 389–399, DOI: 10.7868/S0030157417020228.
- Väli, G., V. Zhurbas, U. Lips, J. Laanemets, 2017. Submesoscale structures related to upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea (numerical experiments). J. Marine Systems, 171(SI), 31–42.
- Schaffer J., Kanzow T., Jochumsen K., Lackschewitz K., Tippenhauer S., Zhurbas V., Quadfasel D., 2016. Enhanced turbulence driven by mesoscale motions and flow topography interaction in the Denmark Strait Overflow plume. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121(10), 1–23.
- Lips U., Zhurbas V., Skudra M., Väli G., 2016. A numerical study of circulation in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea. Part I: Whole-basin gyres and mean currents. Continental Shelf Research, 112, 1–13.
- Lips U., Zhurbas V., Skudra M., Väli G., 2016. A numerical study of circulation in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea. Part II: Mesoscale variability and freshwater transport pathways. Continental Shelf Research, 115, 44–52.
- Zhurbas V.M., Paka V.T., Rudels B., Quadfasel D., 2016. Estimates of entrainment in the Denmark strait overflow plume from CTD/LADCP data. Oceanology, 56(2), 205–213, DOI: 10.1134/S0001437016020223.
- Zhurbas V., Lyzhkov D., Kuzmina N., 2014. Drifter-derived estimates of lateral eddy diffusivity in the World Ocean with emphasis on the Indian Ocean and problems of parameterization. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 83, 1–11.
- Zhurbas V., Lyzhkov D., Kuzmina N., 2014. Estimates of the lateral eddy diffusivity in the Indian Ocean as derived from drifter data. Oceanology, 54(3), 281–288.
- Zhurbas V., Lyzhkov D., Kuzmina N. (2013). Drifter-derived estimates of lateral eddy diffusivity in the World Ocean with emphasis on the Indian Ocean and problems of parameterization. Deep-Sea Res., Part I (submitted).
- Zhurbas V., Paka V. (2012), Dispersion of Passive Tracers in the Baltic Sea Deep Water as Applied to Dumped Chemical Weapons, Marine Technology Society Journal, 46(1), 37-50.
- Zhurbas V., J. Elken, V. Paka, J. Piechura, G. V?li, I. Chubarenko, N. Golenko, and S. Shchuka, (2012), Structure of unsteady overflow in the S?upsk Furrow of the Baltic Sea, J. Geophys. Res. - Oceans, 117, C04027, doi:10.1029/2011JC007284.
- Kuzmina N., B. Rudels, V. Zhurbas, and T. Stipa (2011), On the structure and dynamical features of intrusive layering in the Eurasian Basin in the Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C00D11, doi:10.1029/2010JC006920.
- Zhurbas V., J. Elken, V. Paka, J. Piechura, I. Chubarenko, G.V?li, N. Golenko, S. Shchuka (2011), On the possibility of convective overturning in the S?upsk Furrow overflow of the Baltic Sea. Oceanologia (Poland), 53(3), 771-791.
- V?li G., Zhurbas V., Laanemets J., Elken J. (2011). Simulation of nutrient transport from different depths during an upwelling event in the Gulf of Finland, Oceanologia (Poland), 53(1-TI), 431-448.
- Laanemets J., G. V?li, V. Zhurbas, J. Elken, I. Lips, and U. Lips (2011), Simulation of mesoscale structures and nutrient transport during summer upwelling events in the Gulf of Finland in 2006, Boreal Environment Research, 16(A), 15-26.
- Sandereson, H., P. Fauser, M. Thomsen, P. Vanninen, M. Soderstrom, Y. Savin, I. Khalikov, A. Hirvonen, S. Niiranen, T. Missiaen, A. Gress, P. Borodin, N. Medvedeva, Y. Polyak, V. Paka, V. Zhurbas, and P. Feller (2010), Environmental hazards of sea-dumped chemical weapons, Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 4389-4394.
- Bondur, V. G., V. M. Zhurbas, and Yu. V. Grebenuk (2009), Modeling and Experimental Research of Turbulent Jet Propagation in the Stratified Environment of Coastal Water Areas, Oceanology, 49(5), 595-606.
- Rudels, B., Kuzmina, N., Schauer U., and Zhurbas, V. (2009). Double-Diffusive Convection and Interleaving in the Arctic Ocean - Distribution and Importance. Geophysica, 45(1-2), 28-41.
- Laanemets J., V. Zhurbas, J. Elken V., and E. Vahtera (2009), Dependence of upwelling-mediated nutrient transport on wind forcing, bottom topography and stratification in the Gulf of Finland: model experiments, Boreal Environment Research, 14, 213-225.
- Zhurbas, V., J. Laanemets, and E. Vahtera, (2008), Modeling of the mesoscale structure of coupled upwelling/downwelling events and the related input of nutrients to the upper mixed layer in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, J. Geophys. Res.- Oceans, in press.
- Zhurbas, V., I. S. Oh, and T. Park (2006), Formation and decay of a longshore baroclinic jet associated with transient coastal upwelling and downwelling: A numerical study with applications to the Baltic Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C04014, doi:10.1029/2005JC003079.
- Meier H.E.M., R. Feistel, J. Piechura, L. Arneborg, H. Burchard, V. Fiekas, N. Golenko, N. Kuzmina, V. Mohrholz, C. Nohr, V.T. Paka, J. Sellschopp, A. Stips, and V. Zhurbas (2006), Ventilation of the Baltic Sea deep water: A brief review of present knowledge from observation and models, Oceanologia, 48(S), 133-164.
- Kuzmina, N., B. Rudels, T. Stipa, and V. Zhurbas, 2005: The Structure and Driving Mechanisms of the Baltic Intrusions. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35 (6), 1120-1137.
- Zhurbas, V., T. Stipa, P. M?lkki, V. Paka, N. Golenko, I. Hense, and V. Sklyarov, 2004: Generation of subsurface cyclonic eddies in the southeast Baltic Sea: Observations and numerical experiments. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C05033, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002074.
- Zhurbas, V., and I.S. Oh, 2004: Drifter-derived maps of lateral diffusivity in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in relation to surface circulation patterns. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C05015, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002241).
- Kuzmina, N., J.H. Lee, and V. Zhurbas, 2004. Effects of Turbulent Mixing and Horizontal Shear on Double-Diffusive Interleaving in the Central and Western Equatorial Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34(1), 122-141.
- Zhurbas, V., and I.S. Oh, 2003. Lateral diffusivity and Lagrangian scales in the Pacific Ocean as derived from drifter data. J. Geophys. Res., 108(C5), 3141, doi:10.1029/2002JC001596.
- Zhurbas, V.M., I.S. Oh, and V.T. Paka, 2003. Generation of cyclonic eddies in the Eastern Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea following dense water inflows: Numerical experiments. J. Mar. Sys., 38, 323-336.
- Zhurbas, V.M., and I.S. Oh, 2001. Can turbulence suppress double-diffusively driven interleaving completely?, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31(8), 2251-2254.
- Zhurbas V., I.S. Oh, V. Paka, 2001. Generation of mesoscale cyclonic eddies in the Baltic Sea with inflow events. Bulletin of Maritime Institute, Gdansk, 28(2), 35-48.
- Oh, I.S., V.M. Zhurbas, and W.S. Park, 2000. Estimating horizontal diffusivity in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) and the Northwest Pacific from satellite-tracked drifter data. J. Geophys. Res., 105(C3), 6483-6492.
- Oh, I.S., and V.M. Zhurbas, 2000. Study of spatial spectra of horizontal turbulence in the ocean using drifter data. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30(7), 1790-1801.
- Kuzmina, N. P., and V. M. Zhurbas, 2000. Effects of double diffusion and turbulence on interleaving at baroclinic oceanic fronts. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30(12), 3025-3038.