Senior Researcher
PhD (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
Lisitzin Laboratory of
physical and geological research
Marine Geology
36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
+7(499)124-77-31, internal phone 0459
Tatiana Alekseeva - PhD (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences), senior researcher at the laboratory of physical and geological research of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS. She was born in 1956, has been working at the Institute of Oceanology since 1980, in 1985 she graduated from the Moscow Polytechnic Institute, mining engineer and geophysicist, and in 2003 she defended her thesis "Granulometric composition of the main types of sediments of the World Ocean". The main theme of the work is particle size analysis and interpretation of the results of particle size analysis of marine sediments. She published 87 scientific papers.
- Murdmaa I., Ivanova E., Duplessy J.-C., Levitan M., Bourtman M., Alekseeva T., Belousov M., Serova V. Facies System of the Central and Eastern Barents Sea since the Last Glaciation to Recent // Marine Geology. 2006. V. 230. P. 275-303.
- Korobova E.M., Linnik V.G., Chizhikova N.P., Alekseeva T.N., Shkinev V.M., Brown J., Duni M.L. Granulometric and mineralogic investigation for explanation of radionuclide accumulation in different size fractions of the Yenisey floodplain soils // Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2014. V. 142. P. 49-59.