Научный сотрудник,
представитель International Ocean Institute в Москве
Научно-координационный океанологический центр
Москва, Нахимовский проспект, д.36
Евгения Костяная - научный сотрудник Центра координации океанологических исследований Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН. С января 2018 года участвует в исследовательском проекте президиума Российской академии наук по устойчивому использованию южных морей Российской Федерации (Черного, Азовского, Каспийского морей).
Evgeniia Kostianaia is a scientist at the Center for Coordination of Ocean Research, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Since January 2018, she has been involved in the research project of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on sustainable use of the southern seas of the Russian Federation (Black, Azov, Caspian seas).
Education and Qualifications
- 2018 International Ocean Institute Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic, and Caspian seas, Malta
Science for Sustainable Development: Early Careers Day, University of Warwick, UK
AZTI & EEAcademy Summer School “Blue Growth: can marine environment support growth maintaining good ocean health?”, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Certificate in Maritime Environmental Management, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy, UK (distance learning) - 2017 Marine Planning Process Training, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, USA (online)
Summer School on “Maritime Spatial Planning”, Ecoaqua, Madeira, Portugal
Summer School on “Plastics in Marine and Freshwater Environments”, Federal Institute of Hydrology/International Center for Water Resources and Global Change, Germany
3-day training “Minimization of the impact on marine mammals (IMO) from exploration and development of offshore oil and gas basins in the Russian Arctic”, Marine Research Centre, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia - 2014-2015 MSc in Environmental Policy and Management, University of Bristol, UK (Merit)
- 2014 Duke University (US) short-term course: “Marine Megafauna: Introduction to Marine Science and Conservation”
- 2011 Public Relations European School, AEGEE, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2011 Advanced Online training for Peace messengers, Service Civil International (SCI)
- 2010 Certificate in simultaneous translation
- 2003-2008 Moscow State Linguistic University: Area Studies and Foreign Languages (Distinction)
Research interests:
- Sustainable Development Goal #14
- Marine governance
- Marine Spatial Planning
- Ocean/Marine Clusters
- Environmental policy and management
- Marine plastic pollution
- Satellite remote sensing
- Regional climate change and extreme weather events
- Food security and resilience
- Kostianoy A.G., Zonn I.S., Kostianaia E.A. Geographic Characteristics of the Black-Caspian Seas Region - In: Oil and gas pipelines in the Black-Caspian Seas Region. (Eds.) S.S. Zhiltsov, I.S. Zonn, A.G. Kostianoy. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, 2016, P. 7-36. DOI 10.1007/698_2016_462
- Kostianoy A.G., Kostianaia E.A., Soloviev D.M. Satellite monitoring of Dzhubga-Lazarevskoye-Sochi offshore gas pipeline construction. - In: Oil and gas pipelines in the Black-Caspian Seas Region. (Eds.) S.S. Zhiltsov, I.S. Zonn, A.G. Kostianoy. Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, 2016, P. 225-260. DOI 10.1007/698_2016_465
- Kostianoy A.G., Serykh I.V., Kostianaia E.A., Mitrovic´ L., Ivanov M. Regional climate change in the Boka Kotorska Bay. – In: The Boka Kotorska Bay Environment. (Eds.) Joksimovich A., Djurovic M., Semenov A.V., Zonn I.S., Kostianoy A.G. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, P. 473-493.
- Kostianoy A.G., Soloviev D.M., Kostianaia E.A., Đurović B., Pestorić B. Satellite remote sensing of the Boka Kotorska Bay. – In: The Boka Kotorska Bay Environment. (Eds.) Joksimovich A., Djurovic M., Semenov A.V., Zonn I.S., Kostianoy A.G. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, P. 495-520.
- Sergey M. Shapovalov, Evgeniia A. Kostianaia. Sustainable Use of the Southern Seas of Russia in the Context of Climatic, Environmental and Technogenic Challenges. Post-Soviet Issues. 2018;5(1):37-49.
- Kostianoy A.G., Soloviev D.M., Kostianaia E.A., Sirota A.M. Satellite remote sensing of Lake Skadar/Shkodra. – In: The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment. (Eds.) V. Pesic, G. Karaman, A.G. Kostianoy. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
- Kostianoy A.G., Serykh I.V., Kostianaia E.A. Climate change in the Lake Skadar region. – In: The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment. (Eds.) V. Pesic, G. Karaman, A.G. Kostianoy. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2018. DOI 10.1007/698_2018_350
- Serykh I.V., Kostianaia E.A., Kostianoy A.G., Lebedev S.A., Akhsalba A.K. Climatic changes in the wind speed module in the region of the eastern coast of the Black Sea. – Vestnik TvGU, 2018.
- Kostianaia E.A., Shapovalov S.M., Kostianoy A.G. Marine clusters as a tool to achieve SDG14 in the southern seas of the Russian Federation. Journal of Oceanological Research. 2018; 46(3): 234–247.
- Shapovalov S.M., Kostianaia E.A., Kostianaia E.V., Kostianoy A.G. Sustainable Development on the Southern Seas of Russia. Moscow, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, 2019b, 68 pp.
- Shapovalov S.M., Kostianaia E.A., Kostianoy A.G. Sustainable development of the Caspian Sea Region: Agenda for the nearest future. - Journal of Oceanological Research, 2019a, V.47, N4 (in press).