International Ocean Institute (IOI) вместе со своими партнерами выпускает серию отчетов World Ocean Review. Самый последний, шестой отчет, посвященный Арктике и Антарктике, вышел в ноябре 2019 года и доступен для скачивания в формате PDF на сайте IOI.

WOR 6: The Arctic and Antarctic – Extreme, Climatically Crucial and In Crisis
This sixth World Ocean Review (WOR) focuses on the Arctic and the Antarctic – two regions which are, in a very real sense, polar opposites, with some of the world’s most extreme conditions. Besides presenting a wealth of facts and figures about the history and exploration of the polar regions, WOR 6 builds a deeper awareness of their key role for life on our planet. It highlights the changes that can be observed in their flora and fauna and analyses the already dramatic impacts of global warming on these extremely fragile regions.
On Thursday, 7th November 2019, the sixth “World Ocean Review” (WOR 6) was presented to the public with the motto “The Arctic and Antarctic – Extreme, Climatically Crucial and In Crisis”.
Издания World Ocean Review не продаются, а предоставляются бесплатно.
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