Graduate school

Zasko Darya Nikolaevna
+7 916-142-53-15
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Federal State Institution Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) carries out educational activities on educational programs of higher education - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff in postgraduate study on the basis of the License for the right to conduct educational activities in postgraduate study issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of March 15, 2012 (registration No. 2571), and certificates of state accreditation on the main professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education in postgraduate study of July 25, 2012 (registration No. 0117) in the areas:
Earth sciences 05.06.01
specialty "Oceanology" - 25.00.28
Biological Sciences 06.06.01
specialty "Hydrobiology" - 03.02.10
specialty "Ichthyology" - 03.02.06