Center for Applied Hydrophysical Research
Head: Dr. Sergey Malkov
Main areas of research:
Carrying out fundamental, exploratory and applied research commissioned by government and commercial organizations. Development of proposals for the implementation of the results of hydrophysical research and development in economic, environmental, defense and other areas of state activity. Development of proposals for launching new R&D in the field of applied hydrophysical research. Promotion of St. Petersburg branch of the IO RAS as a performer of R&D and expert-analytical activities in the field of applied hydrophysical research and development.
Chief Researcher,
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Laboratory for modeling ocean biogeochemical cycles
St. Petersburg Branch of the IO RAS
Head of the Center for Applied Hydrophysical Research
PhD (Technical Sciences)
Center for Applied Hydrophysical Research
St. Petersburg Branch of the IO RAS