North Western Branch of the IO RAS
History of creation
The history of the creation of the North-Western Branch of the Institute of Oceanology dates back to 1994, when a scientific and organizational group (Archorg IORAN) was established in Arkhangelsk, headed by a well-known scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Boris Fatalievich Kelbalikhanov. In 1997, Arkhorg IORAN was reorganized into the Arkhangelsk Scientific Expeditionary Station (ArkhNES IORAN), which in 2001 was transformed into the North-West Branch of the Institute.
From 2002 to April 2006, the department was headed by PhD (Technical Sciences) Vladimir Matyushenko,
from April 2006 to May 2010 - PhD (Geographical Sciences) Leonid Skibinsky, from October 2010 to 2020 - DSc (Geographical Sciences) Vladimir Korobov,
since 2020 to the present – PhD (Geographical Sciences) Ekaterina Kotova.
The department employs 14 people, including two doctors of sciences and one candidate of sciences. 4 employees graduated from postgraduate studies, three of them prepared Ph.D. dissertations for defense.
Direction of scientific activity
- study of the water areas of the seas of the Western sector of the Arctic;
- study of the mouth areas of large and small rivers in the basin of the White and Barents Seas;
- modeling of hydrodynamic processes of tidal river mouths;
- development of methods for multi-criteria assessment of water areas and coastal territories.
Expedition work
The objects of expeditionary research are:
- mouth area of the Northern Dvina;
- mouth areas of small rivers in the basins of the White and Barents Seas;
- lakes of the Arkhangelsk region;
- snow cover in the catchment area of the White Sea.
From 3 to 7 expeditions are carried out annually (photo). In the course of expeditionary work, depth measurements, measurements of hydrophysical characteristics, sampling of water, ice and soil for chemical analysis, and hydrobiological observations are carried out.
The employees of the department also annually take part in expeditions to the Institute's RV in the North Atlantic, the seas of the Arctic Ocean and the southern seas.
Contractual activity
Regular customers of the NWB are the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk branch, the defense enterprise of OJSC “PO ‘Sevmash’”, companies engaged in the exploration of petroleum hydrocarbons on the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean.