The scientific Journal of Oceanological Research has been published since 1959, it's a special thematic issues and is a well-known printed publication.
The journal has been published in an electronic online version in the field of ocean sciences since 2017. It publishes original scientific articles on topical issues of technology development for marine research, theoretical and experimental results in physical, chemical, biological and geological oceanology, marine ecosystem research, ocean processes and the atmosphere and their interaction, including using information technologies and satellite monitoring to solve the fundamental and applied problems of the oceanology. The scientific articles published therein, thematic reviews and information on conferences, symposia, expeditions and other events are of interest to the Russian and international oceanological scientific community: experts in the field of oceanology, hydrometeorology, climatology, geography, remote sensing of the Earth from space, marine instrumentation, development of integrated systems for marine research, monitoring, study and modeling of natural and anthropogenic systems and processes.
The journal can also be useful for teachers, graduate students and university students of the appropriate profile. The authors of the journal and members of its editorial board are leading scientists of Russia and the international community.