Georgy Vinogradov

Senior Researcher
PhD (Biological Sciences)

Laboratory of Ocean Benthic Fauna
Marine Biology


Vinogradov graduated from the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University in 1987. After graduation, he worked at the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS, and since 1997 has been working at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. In 1991 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Ecomorphological analysis of pelagic and benthopelagic amphipods of the World Ocean". He described 17 new species of pelagic and benthic amphipods. In addition to studying amphipods, Vinogradov is studying the vertical distribution of pelagic and benthic fauna in areas of hydrothermal activity and oceanic fronts. Laureate of the Academic Publishing Company "Science / Interperiodica" award for the best publication in its journals in 2004.

From 1995 to 2005 he was the regional editor of the international "Amphipod Newsltter". In 1998–99, he headed the RFBR grant on the topic "Ways of expansion of benthic animals into the pelagic zone".

Vinogradov took part in 18 sea and ocean expeditions, including international ones.

Since his student days, he has been a member of the organizing committee, and after that - the Jury of the School Biological Olympiad of Moscow State University.

He is the author of over 120 scientific papers, the most significant of which are:

  • Vinogradov G.M. 1996. Colonization of pelagic and hydrothermal vent habitats by gammaridean amphipods: an attempt of reconstruction. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii. 42 (4): 417–430.
  • Vinogradov G. 1999. Amphipoda. In: Boltovskoy D. [Ed.]. South Atlantic Zooplankton. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. P. 1141–1240.
  • Vinogradov M.E., Vinogradov G.M. 2002. Physical–biological interaction in the deep-sea environment, including hydrothermal vent communities. The Sea. Vol. 12: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Sea. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. P. 567-603.
  • Виноградов М.Е., Виноградов Г.М. 2002. Зоопланктонные сообщества фронтальной зоны Гольфстрима и субполярных вод. В кн.: Океанологические исследования фронтальной зоны Гольфстрима: полигон "Титаник". М.: Наука. С. 77–110.
  • Виноградов Г.М. 2006. Планктон в столбе воды над гидротермальными полями Срединно-Атлантического хребта. В кн.: Экосистемы атлантических гидротерм (Ред. М.Е. Виноградов и А.Л. Верещака). М.: Наука. С. 218–274.

