Dmitry Lyzhkov

contact lyzhkov Scientist,
PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)

Laboratory of Marine Turbulence
Ocean Physics

36, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Research Interests:

  • Study of lateral mixing from drifter data
  • Numerical simulation of matter transport by Lagrangian particles approach
  • Numerical modeling of river plume dynamics

Publications in peer reviewed journals

  1. Kuzmina N.P., Skorokhodov S.L., Zhurbas N.V., Lyzhkov D.A., 2023. On the types of instability of a geostrophic current with a vertical parabolic profile of velocity. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 59(2), 230–241.
  2. Lyzhkov, D. A., N. V. Zhurbas, and N. P. Kuzmina, 2023. Analysis of T, S-characteristics of the Atlantic water mass in the Eurasian Basin using the cluster method. Journal of Oceanological Research, 51 (1), 36–53,
  3. Kuzmina N.P., Skorokhodov S.L., Zhurbas N.V., Lyzhkov D.A., 2020. Effects of Friction and Buoyancy Diffusion on the Dynamics of Geostrophic Oceanic Current with a linear Vertical Velocity Profile. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 56(6), 591-602, DOI: 10.1134/S0001433820060067.
  4. Kuzmina N.P., Skorokhodov S.L., Zhurbas N.V., Lyzhkov D.A., 2019. Description of the perturbations of Oceanic Geostrophic Currents with Linear Vertical Velocity Shear taking into account Friction and Diffusion of Density. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 55(2), 207-217, DOI: 10.1134/S0001433819020117.
  5. Kuzmina N.P., Skorokhodov S.L., Zhurbas N.V., Lyzhkov D.A., 2018. On Instability of Geostrophic Current with linear vertical shear at length of interleaving. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 54(1), 47-55, DOI: 10.1134/S0001433818010097.
  6. Zhurbas V.M., Kuzmina N.P., Lyzhkov D.A., 2017. Eddy formation behind a coastal cape in a flow generated by transient longshore wind (numerical experiments). Oceanology, 57(3), 389–399, DOI: 10.7868/S0030157417020228.
  7. Zhurbas V., Lyzhkov D., Kuzmina N., 2014. Drifter-derived estimates of lateral eddy diffusivity in the World Ocean with emphasis on the Indian Ocean and problems of parameterization. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 2014. 83, 1–11.
  8. Zhurbas V., Lyzhkov D., Kuzmina N., 2014. Estimates of the lateral eddy diffusivity in the Indian Ocean as derived from drifter data. Oceanology, 54(3), 281–288.
  9. Zhurbas V., Zavialov P., Sviridov A., Lyzhkov D., Andrulionis E. On the transport of small river run off by an alongshore baroclinic sea current // Oceanology – 2011. – Vol. 51. № 3. – P. 415-423.

