Leading Researcher
PhD (Physical Oceanology, 2013)
Habilitation (Physical Oceanology, 2021)
Laboratory of Land-Ocean Interactions and the Anthropogenic Impact
Ocean Physics
36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
+7(499)124-85-28, internal phone 0456
* Required fields
Web of Science ResearcherID: E-6815-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 53985012400
ORCID: 0000-0002-6659-0934
RSCI AuthorID: 745844
Alexander Osadchiev graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Mechanics and Mathematics) in 2009. Thesis was defended at the Laboratory of Number Theory under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yuri Nesterenko. Thesis topic: "On the search for elliptic curves with a rational group of large rank."
In 2009 Alexander Osadchiev started working at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, since 2021 he is a leading researcher. In 2013 Alexander Osadchiev defended PhD dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Zavialov. Dissertation topic: "Dynamics of spreading and variability of river plumes in coastal sea". In 2021 Alexander Osadchiev defended Habilitation dissertation. Dissertation topic: "Structure, variability, and dynamics of river plumes".
Scientific interests:
- coastal and shelf processes
- land-ocean interactions
- large-scale circulation in the Arctic
The research of Alexander Osadchiev is focused on estuarine processes that determine formation of river plumes, and the subsequent spreading and mixing of river plumes in coastal and shelf areas. Also, Alexander Osadchiev studies the influence of continental runoff on hydrological structure and dynamical processes in coastal and shelf areas. Also, Alexander Osadchiev studies large-scale circulation of water masses at the shelf and continental slope of the Russian Arctic seas.
Alexander Osadchiev created a specialized theory of the formation, spreading and mixing of small river plumes, which account for about 25% of the freshwater and 40% of terrigenous sediments coming from land to the World Ocean. In addition, he performed comprehensive studies of large-scale transport and transformation of freshwater runoff in the Russian Arctic seas, which plays a key role in variability of the ice cover and regional albedo, which affects global climatic processes.
Main results:
- A new concept was created for studying river plumes (freshened water masses formed as a result of mixing of river runoff and saline sea waters), based on the assessment of spreading and transformation of freshwater runoff in coastal sea at different spatial and temporal scales. Physical hydrodynamic differences between spreading and transformation of mall and large river plumes was established, that results in principal differences in structure, dynamics and variability of small and large river plumes.
- Fundamental results of the spreading and mixing of freshwater runoff, river-borne suspended and dissolved matter was established. Based on these results, the influence of runoff of numerous small rivers on the structure, dynamical processes and pollution distribution along the Russian Black Sea coast was studied.
- The large-scale transport and transformation of freshwater runoff in the Russian Arctic seas was been studied. It was shown that several regional processes in estuaries and near deltas of large rivers of the Russian Arctic (Ob, Yenisei, Khatanga, Lena, Indigirka, and Kolyma) play an important role in formation of hydrological structure of sea surface layer at the entire Eastern Arctic shelf. Principally new understanding of seasonal and inter-annual variability of the large-scale freshened surface layer at the Russian Arctic shelf was obtained.
Professional activity:
- Since 2009, Alexander Osadchiev participated in the organization and leading of more than 30 sea and coastal expeditions in the Black, White, Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian, Baltic, Caspian, South China, East China, Philippine and other seas.
- Since 2019, Alexander Osadchiev has been organizing and scientific leading of the "SIO Floating University".
- Since 2018, Alexander Osadchiev has been working part-time at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM RAS) as a senior researcher.
- Since 2020, Alexander Osadchiev has been working part-time at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), supervising the bachelors and masters theses of students.
- Since 2017, Alexander Osadchiev is the main convener of OS2.1: Open session on coastal and shelf seas at the EGU General Assemblies.
- Alexander Osadchiev is a guest member of the editorial boards of Remote Sensing (impact factor 4.848) and Frontiers in Marine Science (impact factor 4.435). Reviewer in scientific journals Frontiers Studies in Marine Science; Remote Sensing; Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans; Geophysical Research Letters; Ocean Science; Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science; Continental Shelf Research; Regional Studies in Marine Science; Oceanology; Water Resources; Meteorology and Hydrology; Arctic and Antarctic problems.
- Expert of the Russian Scientific Foundation since 2018, member of the Federal List of Scientific Experts of the Russian Federation since 2021.
- Award of Moscow Government for young scientists in 2020.
- Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists in 2018.
- EGU Outstanding Student Poster Award at the 2012 European Geoscience Union General Assembly.
- RSF grants:
1.1. Project leader at the project 18-17-00156 "Influence of continental runoff on coastal processes and water quality of the Russian Black Sea coast", 2018-2020;
1.3. Participant at the project 22-27-00552 "Freshened surface layer in the Kara Sea during winter-spring period", 2022-2023;
1.3. PI at the project 18-17-00089 "Isotope geochemistry of sea waters of the Arctic shelf of Russia", 2018-2020;
1.4. Participant at the project 14-50-00095 "World Ocean in the XXI century: climate, ecosystems, resources, disasters", 2014-2018;
1.5. Participant at the project 14-17-00382 "Hydrophysical foundations of monitoring and forecasting environmental pollution on the Russian shelf of the Black Sea", 2014-2016. - RFBR grants:
2.1. Project leader at the project 20-35-70039 "Stability" "The structure and variability of water masses on the shelf and continental slope of the seas of the Russian Arctic", 2020-2021;
2.2. Project leader at the project 18-05-00019 "a" "Plumes of large rivers in the Arctic seas of Russia", 2018-2020;
2.3. Participant at the project 20-55-75002 "BF_t" "Stability of ocean coastal zones in a changing climate", 2020-2023;
2.4. Participant at the project 19-55-80004 "BRICS_t" "River plumes as the main sources of plastic waste in the ocean", 2020-2022;
2.5. Participant at the project 18-05-60302 "Arctic" "Comprehensive studies of the evolution of continental runoff in the Arctic seas of Russia", 2019-2021;
2.6. Participant at the project 18-05-60069 "Arctic" "Pelagic ecosystems of the seas of the Siberian Arctic in the context of modern climatic changes: structure, productivity, fluxes of matter", 2019-2021;
2.7. Participant at the project 18-05-80049 "Dangerous phenomena" "Mechanisms of pollution transfer in the coastal zone of the sea: a study on the example of runoff from the Kerch Strait", 2019-2021;
2.8. Participant at the project 17-05-41043 "RGO_a" "Features of water exchange in deep lakes by the example of Issyk-Kul and Baikal lakes", 2017-2019;
2.9. Project leader at the project 13-05-00626 "a" "Dynamics of river plumes in the sea and their role in the transport of pollution and nutrients", 2013-2015;
2.10. Project leader at the project 13-05-96518 "r_yug_a" "Assessment of the total flow of the rivers of the Krasnodar Territory into the Black Sea", 2013-2015;
2.11. Participant at the project 07-05-00240 "a" "Modeling the mesoscale circulation of the Black Sea in the context of global climate change", 2007-2009. - Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates of sciences:
3.1. Project leader at the project MK-98.2020.5 "Freshwater transport on the shelf of the seas of the Russian Arctic", 2020-2021;
3.2. Project leader at the project MK-6168.2018.5 "Structure and variability of the near-surface desalinated layer of the seas of the Russian Arctic", 2019-2020. - Megagrants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
4.1. Participant at the project 14.W03.31.0006 "Mesoscale and synoptic eddies of the ocean: role in the dynamics of general circulation and climatic variability", 2017-2021;
4.2. Participant at the project 14.В25.31.0026 "Extratropical hydrological cycle in the present and future climate: uncertainties and predictability", 2013-2017. - Grants under the Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020":
5.1. Participant at the project 2015-14-585-0002 "Research and development of a scientific and technological base for assessing, monitoring and forecasting pollution of the coastal marine environment on the example of the regions of Kerch-Feodosia (Crimea, Black Sea) and Rio Grande do Sul ( South Atlantic) with the participation of Brazilian research organizations in the framework of BRICS cooperation ", 2015-2016;
5.2. Participant at the project 2012-1.9-519-005 "Work on carrying out problem-oriented exploratory research and creating a scientific and technical groundwork for ensuring human health in the framework of multilateral scientific and technical cooperation with Latin American countries", 2012-2013. - Grants from the Research Council of Norway under the Russian-Norwegian agreements:
6.1. Project leader at the project “Bio-essential and toxic elements transformation and transport in the Arctic under pressure of Siberian Continental Shelf permafrost thawing (BEST-Siberian)”, 2021-2023;
6.2. Project leader at the project " Model-based mapping of marine litter and microplastic in the Barents Sea (MAMBA)", 2021.
6.3. Project leader at the project “Creation of regional capabilities for measuring and modeling the distribution and input of microplastics in the Barents Sea under the action of river waters and currents (ESCIMO)”, 2019-2021;
6.4. Project leader at the project "Harmonization of methods for assessing pollution of the Arctic by marine microplastics (HAMPSTER)", 2020-2021.
- Osadchiev A.A. River plumes. Scientific World: Moscow. 2021. ISBN 978-5-91522-518-2. 285 p.
- Osadchiev A.A., Frey D.I., Shchuka S.A., Tilinina N.D., Morozov E.G., Zavialov P.O. Structure of the freshened surface layer in the Kara Sea during ice-free periods // Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2021. Vol. 126. e2020JC016486. doi:10.1029/2020JC016486
- Osadchiev A.A., Frey D.I., Spivak E.A., Shchuka S.A., Tilinina N.D., Semiletov I.P. Structure and inter-annual variability of the freshened surface layer in the Laptev and East-Siberian seas during ice-free periods // Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021. Vol. 8. 73501. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.735011
- Osadchiev A.A., Konovalova O.P., Gordey A.S. Water exchange between the Gulf of Ob and the Kara Sea during ice-free seasons: the roles of river discharge and wind forcing // Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021. Vol. 8. 741143. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.741143
- Osadchiev A.A., Sedakov R.O., Barymova А.А. Response of a small river plume on wind forcing // Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021. Vol. 8. 809566. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.809566
- Osadchiev A.A., Sedakov R.O., Barymova А.А., Gordey A.S. Internal waves as a source of concentric rings within small river plumes // Remote Sensing. 2021. Vol. 13. 4275. doi:10.3390/rs13214275
- Osadchiev А.А., Barymova А.А., Sedakov R.O., Rybin A.V., Tanurkov А.G., Krylov А.А., Kremenetskiy V.V., Mosharov S.А., Polukhin А.А., Ulyantsev А.S., Osadchiev М.А., Dbar R.S. Hydrophysical structure and current dynamics of the Kodor river plume // Oceanology. 2021. Vol. 61. N. 1. P. 1-14. doi:10.1134/S000143702101015X
- Osadchiev A.A., Pisareva M.A., Spivak E.A., Shchuka S.A., Semiletov I.P. Freshwater transport between the Kara, Laptev, and East-Siberian Seas // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. 13041. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-70096-w
- Osadchiev A.A., Medvedev I.P., Shchuka S.A., Kulikov M.E., Spivak E.A., Pisareva M.A., Semiletov I.P. Influence of estuarine tidal mixing on structure and spatial scales of large river plumes // Ocean Science. 2020. Vol. 16. P. 1-18. doi:10.5194/os-16-1-2020
- Osadchiev A.A., Barymova A.A., Sedakov R.O., Zhiba R.Y., Dbar R.S. Spatial structure, short-temporal variability, and dynamical features of small river plumes as observed by aerial drones: case study of the Kodor and Bzyp river plumes // Remote Sensing. 2020. Vol. 12. 3079. doi:10.3390/rs12183079
- Osadchiev A.A., Silvestrova K.P., Myslenkov S.A. Wind-driven coastal upwelling near large river deltas in the Laptev and East-Siberian seas // Remote Sensing. 2020. Vol. 12. 844. doi:10.3390/rs12050844
- Osadchiev A.A., Asadulin En.E., Miroshnikov A.Yu., Zavialov I.B., Dubinina E.O., Belyakova P.A. Bottom sediments reveal inter-annual variability of interaction between the Ob and Yenisei plumes in the Kara Sea // Scientific Reports. 2019. Vol. 9. 18642. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-55242-3
- Osadchiev A.A., Sedakov R.O. Spreading dynamics of small river plumes off the northeastern coast of the Black Sea observed by Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2019. Vol. 221. P. 522-533. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.043
- Osadchiev A.A. Small mountainous rivers generate high-frequency internal waves in coastal ocean // Scientific Reports. 2018. Vol. 8. 16609. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-35070-7
- Osadchiev A.A., Izhitskiy A.S., Zavialov P.O., Kremenetskiy V.V., Polukhin A.A., Pelevin V.V., Toktamysova Z.M. Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn // Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2017. Vol. 122. N. 7. P. 5916-5935. doi:10.1002/2016JC012603
- Osadchiev A.A., Korshenko E.A. Small river plumes off the north-eastern coast of the Black Sea under average climatic and flooding discharge conditions // Ocean Science. 2017. Vol. 13. P. 465-482. doi:10.5194/os-13-465-2017
- Osadchiev A.A. Spreading of the Amur river plume in the Amur Liman, the Sakhalin Gulf, and the Strait of Tartary // Oceanology. 2017. Vol. 57. N. 3. P. 376-382. doi:10.1134/S0001437017020151
- Osadchiev A.A., Korotenko K.A., Zavialov P.O., Chiang W.-S., Liu C.-C. Transport and bottom accumulation of fine river sediments under typhoon conditions and associated submarine landslides: case study of the Peinan River, Taiwan // Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2016. Vol. 16. P. 41-54. doi:10.5194/nhess-16-41-2016
- Osadchiev A.A. A method for quantifying freshwater discharge rates from satellite observations and Lagrangian numerical modeling of river plumes // Environmental Research Letters. 2015. Vol. 10. 085009. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085009
- Osadchiev A.A., Zavialov P.O. Lagrangian model of a surface-advected river plume // Continental Shelf Research. 2013. Vol. 58. P. 96–106. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.03.010