DSc of chemical Sciences,
Chief Researcher of the laboratory of Geochemistry of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS).
Laboratory of Geochemistry
Marine Geology
36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
Phone: +7(499)124-59-49
Scopus AuthorID: 7102792045
РИНЦ AuthorID: 59400
IstinaResearcherID (IRID): 1088456
In 1961, he entered the 1st year of the evening Department of the Department of Geography of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Lomonosov MSU), since 1962 2nd year student of the Department of Oceanology of the full-time Department.
In 1975, he defended his thesis for the Degree of PhD of chemical Sciences on the topic "Features of the kinetics of biochemical oxygen consumption in natural and wastewater".
In 1991, he defended his thesis for the degree of DSc of chemical Sciences on the topic " Kinetics of biotransformation of organogenic elements in natural waters (mathematical modeling and analysis of their circulation patterns)".
From 1966 to 1971-Junior Researcher at the laboratory of the Middle and South Atlantic of the Atlantic research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (now the Atlantic research Institute of fisheries and Oceanography (AtlantNIRO»)), Kaliningrad. He participated in five long-term expeditions to the region of South-West Africa, where they studied new areas of fishing for marine bioresources. From 1971 to 1977 Graduate Student, Junior, Senior Researcher of the Department of hydrochemistry and scientific foundations of marine water protection of the Zubov State Oceanographic Institute of the hydrometeorological Service, participated in 3 voyages on the weather vessels "monsoon" and "Passat" under the program of research on the state and pollution of the waters of the World ocean.
In 1975, he defended his thesis for the Degree of PhD of chemical Sciences on the topic " Features of the kinetics of biochemical oxygen consumption in natural and waste waters "(Moscow: goin, 1974, 240 p.). Its main result is the development of kinetic models for the correct analysis of experimental data in the multi-stage development of biochemical oxygen consumption (BOD). These models are now used to analyze data from long-term experiments (with water from more than 30 reservoirs in Karelia - >250 experiments), while simultaneously measuring the concentrations of different fractions of organic matter (S) in the studied water. Research is conducted with specialists from Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NWPI KarRC RAS) (Petrozavodsk). According to the results of completed studies, the kinetic parameters of BOD correspond to the concentrations of different forms of OM in the studied water from reservoirs of different trophic status. Currently, data on lake Onega and its individual water areas have been summarized (for 64 experiments), and data on eutrophic, meso - and oligotrophic lakes, Lake Ladoga and its water areas are being finalized (for 48, 40, 32, and 38 experiments, respectively).
From 1977 to 1981, he worked as a Researcher of the 1st and 2nd category at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria) (through the Ministry of foreign Affairs), participated in research on pollution and eutrophication of lake ecosystems (on the example of the lake. Balaton, Hungary) using developed mathematical models (for studying the problems of water quality, transformation and turnover of biogenic element compounds (N, P), changes in oxygen and biomass of organisms involved in the transformation of substances and the creation of primary products in natural waters).
From 1982 to 1992, he worked at the Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) as a Senior, Leading Researcher at the laboratory for modeling water environmental processes.
In 1991, he defended his thesis for the Degree of DSc of chemical Sciences on the topic " Kinetics of biotransformation of organogenic elements in natural waters (mathematical modeling and analysis of their circulation patterns) "(Rostov-on-don: GHI, 1991. 65 p.). From 1992 to 1996, he was a leading researcher at the scientific coordination center "Kaspiy". From 1996 to 1997, Chief Specialist of the Coordination Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. Since 1998 - present-leading, Сhief Кesearcher of the laboratory of Geochemistry of IO RAS.
Scientific interest
The main area of research is the development of a series of mathematical models that can be used as a tool for studying the biotransformation of compounds of biogenic elements (N, P, Si), petroleum hydrocarbons, and the development of biomass of organisms (bacteria, phyto - and zooplankton) involved in the transformation of chemicals in natural (freshwater and marine) ecosystems.
Main publication
Leonov A.V., Lozovik P. A., and Ikko O. I. Using experimental data on biochemical oxygen consumption for correct assessment of the state of water bodies and the quality of natural waters. Proceedings of the Karelian scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, №. 3, pp. 11-30. DOI: 10.17076 / lim726.
Leonov A.V. and Zobkova M. V. General characteristics of BOD development in long-term experiments with water from different types of water bodies in Karelia. Proceedings of the Karelian scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019, №. 3, pp. 61-79. DOI: 10.17076/lim952.
Leonov A.V. and Zobkova M. V. Values of kinetic parameters of BOD in long-term experiments (on the example of data analysis with different integral water samples from the Central part of lake Onega). Proceedings of the Karelian scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, №. 4, pp. 40-61. DOI: 10.17076 / lim1164.
Podgornyi K. A. and Leonov A.V. Review of modern methods of estimation of values of coefficients. the sensitivity and adequacy of simulation models of aquatic ecosystems. Water resources management, 2015, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 406-432.
Leonov A.V., Semenyak L. V., and Chicherina O. V. Hydrocarbons in the White sea: their arrival and transformation in the marine environment in different regions. Water resources management, 2017, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 38-62.
Leonov A. V., Koltovskaya E. V., and Chicherina, O. V. Biogeokhimicheskie portrait of the White sea. Computer research and modeling, 2018, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 125-160.
Leonov А.V., Semenyak L.V., and Chicherina O.V. Indicators of Biohydrochemicl Portrait of the White Sea: Internal. External Fluxes of Biogenic Substances, Balances of N and P. Oceanological research, 2018, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 144-182. DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2018.46(2).10
Leonov А.V., Pishchal’nuk V.M., Petukhov V.I., and Chicherina O.V. Transformations of Nutrients in the Northeastern Waters of the Sakhalin Shelf: Analysis of Mathematical Modeling Results. Oceanological research, 2018, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 112-144.DOI: 10.29006/2587-9634. JOR-2018.46(2).10. 485-8).
Other professional activities
From 1987 to 2017, he was a member of the editorial Board of the journal "Water resources", took an active part in reviewing and editorial preparation of scientific articles for publication.