Head of Laboratory
PhD (Biological sciences)
Ocean Chemistry Laboratory
Marine Geology
36, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
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ORCID: 0000-0003-2230-1069;
ResercherID: L-4439-2016;
ScopusID: 36622624900
AuthorID: 604535;
SPIN: 7871-0528.
In 2007 he graduated from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). In 2010, he graduated from the post-graduate course of the RUDN University in the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry of the medical faculty of the RUDN University. In 2010, he defended his PhD thesis on the theme "Development of a method for determining the authenticity of liquid medicines without opening the package." Postgraduate studies in 2009–2011 combined with work at the Zubov State Oceanographic Institute (SOIN) as a researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Hydrochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. From 2011 to the present, he has been working at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS in Moscow.
He participated in 5 ship expeditions (2012–2013) to the Black Sea on the R/V “Professor Shtokman”, in 4 ship expeditions to the Seas of the Russian Arctic on the R/V “Professor Shtokman”, “Academician M.A. Lavrentiev", "Academician Nikolai Strakhov." Member of two polar-ice drilling expeditions (2014–2015) in the Laptev Sea (Buor-Khaya Bay).
At different times, he participated and continues to participate in the RFBR and RSF projects:
RFBR No. 13-05-12033 “Organic matter and its effect on methane flows in the Arctic”, contractor, 2013-2015;
RFBR No. 16-05-00017 “Geological and geochemical indicators of Quaternary morpholithogenesis in the Laptev Sea”, contractor, 2016–2018;
RFBR No. 16-35-00550 “Influence of environmental conditions on the chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules of the Kara Sea”, contractor, 2016–2018
RFBR No. 18-05-60214 “Organic matter of bottom sediments as an indicator of changes in natural conditions in the Arctic seas of Russia”, contractor, 2018–2021
RSF No. 19-77-10044 “Indicators of morpholithogenesis of the coastal-shelf zone of the Arctic seas of Russia”, supervisor, 2019–2022
His main research interests are the Late Quaternary History of the coastal shelf zone of the Arctic; periglacial morpholithogenesis; analysis of geological, geophysical and geochemical indicators of changes in the seabed on the shelf of the Arctic in terms of forecasting and monitoring hazardous events.
- Dmitrevskii, N.N., Anan’ev, R.A., Meluzov, A.A., Ulyantsev, A.S. Research of the Upper Sediment Column and Topography of the Sea Bottom in Eastern Arctic Seas on Cruise 78 of the RV Akademik Lavrent’ev // Oceanology, 2018, V. 58 (1), P. 152–154.
- Ulyantsev, A.S., Polyakova, N.V., Bratskaya, S.Y., Romankevich E. A. Subsea Permafrost Thawing as a Factor of Changes in the Elemental Composition // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 483 (1), P. 1480–1484.
- Ulyantsev A. S., Belyaev N. A., Bratskaya S. Yu., Romankevich E. A. The Molecular Composition of Lignin as an Indicator of Subaqueous Permafrost Thawing // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 482 (2), P. 1357–1361.
- Ulyantsev A. S.,, Romankevich E. A., Bratskaya S. Yu., Semiletov I. P., and Avramenko V. A. Organic and Carbonate Carbon in Permafrost and Thawed Deposits from Buor-Khaya Bay (Laptev Sea) // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2017, Vol. 473, Part 2, P. 467–471.
- Ulyantsev A. S.,, Romankevich E. A., Bratskaya S. Yu., Prokuda N. A., Sukhoverkhov S. V., Semiletov I. P., and Sergienko V. I. Characteristic of Quaternary Sedimentation on a Shelf of the Laptev Sea According to the Molecular Composition of n-Alkanes // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2017, Vol. 473, Part 2, P. 449–453.
- Romankevich E. A., Vetrov A. A., Belyaev N. A., Sergienko V. I., Semiletov I. P., Sukhoverkhov S. V., Bratskaya S. Yu., Prokuda N. A., and A. S. Ulyantsev. Alkanes in Quaternary Deposits of the Laptev Sea // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2017, Vol. 472, Part 1, P. 36–39.
- Ulyantsev A. S., Polyakova N. V., Romankevich E. A., Semiletov I. P., and Sergienko V. I. Ionic Composition of Pore Water in Shallow Shelf Deposits of the Laptev Sea // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2016, Vol. 467, Part 1, P. 308–313.
- Ulyantsev A. S., Romankevich E. A., Peresypkin V. I., Belyaev N. A., Semiletov I. P., Bratskaya S. Yu., Vetrov A. A., and Sergienko V. I. Lignin as an Indicator of the Sedimentation Conditions on the Arctic Shelf // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2016, Vol. 467, Part 1, P. 264–269.
- Ulyantsev A. S., Bratskaya S. Yu., Romankevich E. A., Semiletov I. P., and Avramenko V. A. Particle Size Composition of Holocene–Pleistocene Deposits of the Laptev Sea (Buor_Khaya Bay) // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2016, Vol. 467, Part 1, P. 241–245.
- Ulyantsev A. S., Lobkovsky L. I., Zhavoronkov A. V., and Romankevich E. A. Problems of Arctic Shelf Research: The Experience from Integrated Geologic and Geochemical Studies in the Laptev Sea // Oceanology, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 6, P. 919–925.