Soloviev Tsunami Laboratory
Head: Dr. Igor Medvedev
Department of Geology and Geodynamics

The main directions of study:
Tsunami effects on the Far East, Black and Caspian Sea coasts.
Paleotsunamis in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.
Numerical modeling of generation and propagation of tsunamis.
Tsunami from underwater landslides and weather phenomena.
Risk assessment for Russian coasts.
Physical distribution study of earthquakes in the Pacific.
Tsunami catalogues.
Children categories
To the jubilee of Academician Sergei Leonidovich Solovyov (1930-1994)
On April 12, 2010, the Academician of the RAS Sergei Leonidovich Solovyov would have turned 80 years old, in 1978-1994 he was the head of the Laboratory of Seismology of the IO RAS, that he had created.
From 1985 to 1994 he was also the head of the Department of Geophysics of the IO RAS.
1952 Devastating... 1952 Devastating...
1952 Devastating... 1952 Devastating...
S.L. Soloviev... S.L. Soloviev...
1961, November... 1961, November...
1962 S.L.... 1962 S.L....
1962. Choosing... 1962. Choosing...
10/01/1962 The... 10/01/1962 The...
1962. Island... 1962. Island...
1962. Island... 1962. Island...
1962. Family... 1962. Family...
S.L. Soloviev... S.L. Soloviev...
06/22/1972 Visit... 06/22/1972 Visit...
June 1972.... June 1972....
10/04/1973. The... 10/04/1973. The...
1973. In... 1973. In...
1975. SahKNII.... 1975. SahKNII....
1976. S.L.... 1976. S.L....
1976, The... 1976, The...
05/30/1977 M.A.... 05/30/1977 M.A....
1979 S.L.... 1979 S.L....
August 1981... August 1981...
12.1983. S.L.... 12.1983. S.L....
1984 S.L.... 1984 S.L....
05/27/1987. S.L.... 05/27/1987. S.L....
1987, S.L.... 1987, S.L....