Boris Nersesov

NersesovChief Researcher
DSc (Technical Sciences), professor

Sonar Ocean Bottom Surveying Laboratory
Marine Engineering

36, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117997,

Doctor of Technical Sciences (1990), Professor (2011), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1993), Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2008).

Specialty - oceanologist, engineer of control systems.

Chief Researcher of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS since 2001.

Specialist in the field of marine magnetometry, systems analysis, information processing and applied superconductivity.

Research interests: Marine magnetometric search and control systems, evaluation of their effectiveness, research of underwater potentially dangerous objects.

Main scientific achievements:

- 2 monographs: “Marine Magnetometric Search and Control Systems” (2012) and “Efficiency of Marine Magnetometric Search Tools” (2013);

- 3 monographs on the study of underwater potentially dangerous objects in the Baltic Sea (2015), in the Black Sea (2016), in the Kara Sea (2017).

More than 140 scientific papers have been published.
