Founders of the Institute of Oceanology

Institute history

Shirshov Petr Petrovich (1905-1953)

hydrologist, DSc (Geographical Sciences) (1937)
full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939)
first director of the Institute of Oceanology
participant of the Great Patriotic War

Bogorov Veniamin Grigorevich (1904-1971)

bio-oceanologist, DSc (Biological sciences) (1940),
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958), State Prize Laureate (1951), Lomonosov Prize Laureate (1965),
one of the founders of the Institute
Deputy Director (1946-1961), Head of the Plankton Laboratory (1961-1971).

Ushakov Georgy Alekseevich (1901-1963)

geographer, polar explorer, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1950), deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology (1945-1948), member of the USSR Geographical Society since 1926, Honored Polar Explorer of the USSR.

Papanin Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1986)

DSc (Geographical Sciences), Rear Admiral, twice Hero of the Soviet Union,
Head of the first Soviet drifting station SP-1, head of the Glavsevmorput, head of the Department of marine expeditionary works of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Since the end of 1948, deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology for expeditions.

Zenkevich Lev Alexandrovich (1889-1970)

biologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), academician (1968), laureate of the State Prize (1951), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1965), one of the founders of the Institute of Oceanology

Bezrukov Panteleimon Leonidovich (1909-1981)

DSc (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences) (1947)
corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1969)
thrice winner of the USSR State Prize (1946, 1951, 1977)

Bruevich Semen Vladimirovich (1894-1971)

Hydrochemist, DSc (Chemical Sciences), Professor
Laureate of the State Prize, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR
Since 1946 he worked at the Institute of Oceanology, where he headed the Chemical Department.


Shtokman Vladimir Borisovich (1909 -1968)

DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Professor
the founder of most physical laboratories of the IO RAS

Sysoev Nikolay Nikolaevich (1909-1964)

engineer-oceanologist, deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology
State Prize Laureate
one of the creators of a new strategy for oceanological research from large research vessels such as floating marine scientific institutes

Kalinenko Vasilii Iosifovich (1898-1973)

Doctor of Biological Sciences (1945),
professor (1947)

Dobrovolsky Alexey Dmitrievich (1907-1990)

Oceanologist, DSc (Geographical Sciences),
Professor, State Prize Laureate


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