Vyacheslav Gordeev

Chief Researcher
DSC (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)

Lisitzin Laboratory of
physical and geological research

Marine Geology

 36, Nakhimovskiy prospect, Moscow, 117997, Russia
+7(499)129-21-45, internal phone 0622


Gordeev V.V., Chief Researcher, DSc (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences), he has been working at the IO RAS from September 1, 1967 to the present time in the Lisitsyn Laboratory of Physico-Geological Studies.

In 1967 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in aerophysics and thermodynamics. He entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1969, in 1972 he was admitted to the position of a junior research worker. In 1974 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of geographical sciences on the topic "Trace elements in water and suspended matter in the central and southeastern Pacific Ocean."

In 2009 he defended his dissertation "River runoff into the ocean and its role in ocean geochemistry" for the degree of DSc (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences).

V. Gordeev is a leading specialist in the following areas: 1) geochemistry of ocean water, suspended matter and bottom sediments, 2) geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids and bottom ocean waters influenced by the outflow of hydrothermal solutions from the bottom, 3) geochemistry of the river-sea zone transitional between the continent and the ocean.

He was able to show that dissolved forms of elements clearly prevail over suspended ones in the ocean, which was not obvious to many geochemists at that time.

In 1975, taking part in the 14th cruise of the R / V Dmitry Mendeleev, together with American scientists, he obtained samples of bottom water and suspended matter in the Galapagos Islands, the analysis of which showed their unusual enrichment in iron, manganese and other metals, which directly indicated to the existence at the bottom of a powerful source of matter. Approximately a year later, a hydrothermal source with a fluid temperature of + 350 ° C was discovered in this place by an American expedition with the Alvin FAO.

Long-term research in the field of geochemistry of the river-sea system allowed V.V. Gordeev, in collaboration with A.P. Lisitsyn to establish the clarkes of more than 50 elements in the suspension of the World rivers, which is a fundamental contribution to the geochemistry of sedimentary rocks.

In 1983 he published the first monograph in the USSR on the geochemistry of river flow.

Since 1969 V.V. Gordeev has been heading the group of physical methods of analysis within the LPGI and is responsible for the development of the geochemical direction in the laboratory. He introduced the atomic absorption method not only in laboratory, but also in expeditionary research. V.V. Gordeev took part in more than 20 large sea and ocean expeditions, in most cases as the head of the geochemical team, and in a number of expeditions he was a scientific leader, including an expedition to the Amazon basin (9th cruise of the RV Professor Shtokman, 1983).

He has published more than 300 publications, including 5 monographs (two of which are in English).

V.V. Gordeev was a member of the Scientific Committee of the LOICZ project (Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone), a member of 3 SCOR working groups, a member of the AMAP working group on heavy metals, organizer and co-leader of the SPASIBA (Research in the Arctic) and LOIRA (Land-Ocean Interaction) projects in the coastal zone of the Russian Arctic) and a number of other international projects.

V.V. Gordeev is constantly educating young professionals. Two people defended their PhD theses under his supervision.


  • Gordeev V.V., Vlasova I.E., Rachold V. Geochemical behavior of major and trace elements in suspended particulate material of the Irtysh river, the main tributary of the Ob river, Siberia // Applied Geochemistry. 2004. Vol. 19. P. 593–610.
  • Gordeev V.V., Beeskow B., Rachold V., Geochemistry of the Ob and Yenisey Estuaries: A comparative Study // Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung (Reports on Polar and Marine Research). AWI-Bremerhaven, Germany, 2007. H. 565. 235 p.
  • Gordeev V.V., Miklishansky A.Z., Migdisov A.A., Artemiev V.E. Rare element distribution in the surface suspended materials in major world rivers // Transport of carbon and minerals in major world rivers. Pt. 3 / Eds. E.T. Degens et al. Hamburg: SCOPE/UNEP, 1985. P. 225–243.
  • Gordeev V.V. Biogeochemistry of water and sediment in the Ob and Yenisey estuaries // Biogeochemical Cycling and Sediment Ecology / J.S. Gray, W. Ambrase, A. Szaniawska. Dordrecht et al.: Kluwer, 1988. P. 49–68.
  • Gordeev V.V., Martin J.-M., Sidorov I.S., Sidorova M.V. A reassessment of the Eurasian river input of water, sediment, major ions and nutrients into the Arctic Ocean // Amer. J. Sci. 1996. Vol. 296. P. 664–691.
  • Gordeev V.V., Tsirkunov V.V. River fluxes of dissolved and suspended substances // A water quality assessment of the former Soviet Union / Eds. V. Kimstach, M. Meybeck, E. Baroudy. London: E and FNSpon, 1998. P. 311–350.
  • Gordeev V.V. River input of water, sediment, major ions, nutrients and trace metals from Russian territory to the Arctic Ocean // The freshwater Budget of the Arctic Ocean / Ed. E.L. Lewis. Dordrecht et al.: Kluwer, 2000. P. 297–322.
  • Gordeev V.V. Heavy metals in the Arctic Russian rivers: concentrations and fluxes // Proceedings of the AMAP workshop on sources, emission and discharges. August 2000 / Ed. J.M. Pacyna. Kjeller, Norway, 2000. P. 79–100.
  • Gordeev V.V., Rachold V. Modern terrigenous organic carbon input to the Arctic Ocean // Organic Carbon Input to the Arctic Ocean: Present and Past / Eds. R. Stein, R. Macdonald. Berlin: Springer, 2003. P. 33.
  • Gordeev V.V., Kravchishina M.D. River flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) to the Arctic Ocean: what are the consequences of the global climate changes? // Influence of Climate Change on the Changing Arctic and Sub-Arctic Conditions / J.C.J. Nihoul, A.G. Kostianoy (eds.). NATO Series C. Environmental Security, Springer, 2009. P. 145–160.
  • Gordeev V.V. River input to the Arctic Ocean from the territory of the Russian Federation // Seabed Morphology of the Russian Arctic Shelf / S. Nikiforov (ed.). Nova Science Publisher, 2010. P. 53–71.
  • Holmes R.M., McClelland J.W., Peterson B.J., Tank S.E., Bulygina E., Eglinton T.I., Gordeev V.V. et.al. Seasonal and annual fluxes of nutrients and organic matter from large rivers to the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas // Estuaries and Coasts. 2012. V. 35. P. 369–382.
  • Pokrovsky O.S., Shirokova L.S., Viers J., Gordeev V.V., Shevchenko V.P., Chupakov A.V., Vorobieva T.Y., Candaudap F., Causserand C., Lanzanova A., Zouiten C. Fate of colloids during estuarine mixing in the Arctic // Ocean Science. 2014. V. 10. P. 107–125.