Heads of Supporting Units

Sergey Sviridov

Deputy Director of Information Resources, Technology and Publishing
Head of IT Center, Chief Editor of the OCEAN.RU portal
Managing editor of the Journal of Oceanological Research

Scientific and auxiliary units of the Institute
IT Center, Directorate of the IO RAS

Sergey Shapovalov

Head of the Center for coordination of ocean research
PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)

Center for coordination of ocean research
Scientific and auxiliary units of the Institute

Elena Gerinas

Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information and Literature

Scientific Library
Scientific supporting units

Zinaida Kharlamova

Group of scientific and technical documentation
Chief Specialist

Valeriy Kovalenko

Team Leader in Applied Oceanology
PhD (Technical Sciences)

Elena Grimbalova

Head of Chancellery

Institute staff. Alphabetical index

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