Directorate of the IO RAS

Vladimir Shevchenko

Acting Director of the IO RAS
PhD (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences), Leading Researcher

Marine Geology
Directorate of the IO RAS

Robert Nigmatulin

Scientific Director of the IO RAS
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Academician of RAS, member of the Presidium of RAS

Directorate of the IO RAS

Maria Artemyeva

Scientific Secretary of the IO RAS,
PhD (Philosophical sciences)

Directorate of the IO RAS

Peter Zavialov

Acting Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work
Head of Laboratory, DSc (Geographical Sciences)
Corresponding Member of RAS

Laboratory of Land-Ocean Interactions and the Anthropogenic Impact
Ocean PhysicsDirectorate of the IO RAS

Vyacheslav Kremenetsky

Acting Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Ocean Physics
PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)

Ocean Physics,
Directorate of the IO RAS

Andrey Gebruk

Acting Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Marine Ecology
Head of Laboratory, DSc (Biological Sciences)

Laboratory of Ocean Benthic Fauna
Marine Biology
Directorate of the IO RAS

Marina Kravchishina

Acting Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Marine Geology
Head of Laboratory, PhD (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)

Lisitzin Laboratory of physical and geological research
Marine Geology
Directorate of the IO RAS

Alexander Ostrovskiy

Acting Deputy Director for Research of Marine Engineering
Head of Laboratory, PhD (Geographical Sciences)

Laboratory of Ocean Acoustics
Marine Engineering
Directorate of the IO RAS

Sergey Sviridov

Deputy Director of Information Resources, Technology and Publishing
Head of IT Center, Chief Editor of the OCEAN.RU portal
Managing editor of the Journal of Oceanological Research

Scientific and auxiliary units of the Institute
IT Center, Directorate of the IO RAS

Oleg Titov

Deputy Director for Fleet, Head of the Center for Marine Expeditionary Research
Head of the Center for Collective Use «Scientific Fleet of IO RAS»
DSc (Geographical Sciences)

Directorate of the IO RAS
Center for Collective Use «Scientific Fleet of IO RAS»

Valeriy Stukolov

Deputy Director for General Affairs

Directorate of the IO RAS

Boris Lomazov

Deputy Director for Coordination of Branch Activities

Directorate of the IO RAS

Pavel Tsaturov 

Deputy Director for Administrative Affairs

Directorate of the IO RAS

Victoria Shevarkova

Deputy Director for Property Management

Directorate of the IO RAS

Irina Vikulova

The Chief Accountant of the IO RAS

Directorate of the IO RAS

Nadezhda Assonova

Head of Planning and Economic Department

Directorate of the IO RAS

Heads of Branches and departments

Vadim Sivkov

Director of the Atlantic Branch of the IO RAS
PhD (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)

The Atlantic Branch of the IO RAS
Directorate of the IO RAS

Sergey Kuklev

Director of the Southern Branch of the IO RAS
PhD (Geographical Sciences)

The Southern Branch of the IO RAS 
Directorate of the IO RAS

Andrey Lobanov

Director of the St. Petersburg Branch of the IO RAS
DSc (Technical Sciences)

St. Petersburg Branch of the IO RAS
Directorate of the IO RAS

Sergey Kotenkov

Acting Director of the Caspian Branch of the IO RAS
PhD (Historical Sciences)

Caspian Branch of the IO RAS
Directorate of the IO RAS

Ekaterina Kotova

Director of the North-Western Branch of the IO RAS
PhD (Geographical Sciences)

North-Western Branch of the IO RAS
Directorate of the IO RAS

Institute staff. Alphabetical index

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