
Aibulatov Nikolay Alexandrovich (1930-2007)

Geological scientist, DSc (Geographical Sciences)
Head of the V.P. Zenkovich Laboratory of Shelf and Sea Shores
Creator of a separate branch of science - marine geoecology

Bezrukov Panteleimon Leonidovich (1909-1981)

DSc (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences) (1947)
corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1969)
thrice winner of the USSR State Prize (1946, 1951, 1977)

Bogorov Veniamin Grigorevich (1904-1971)

bio-oceanologist, DSc (Biological sciences) (1940),
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958), State Prize Laureate (1951), Lomonosov Prize Laureate (1965),
one of the founders of the Institute
Deputy Director (1946-1961), Head of the Plankton Laboratory (1961-1971).

Bogoyavlensky Alexey Nikolaevich (1913-1976)

Specialist in the field of chemical oceanology.
One of the country's leading scientists in the field of chemical oceanology, organized hydrochemical research during the expeditions of the Institute, starting with the first voyages of the Vityaz.

Boris Lomazov

Deputy Director for Coordination of Branch Activities

Directorate of the IO RAS

Bruevich Semen Vladimirovich (1894-1971)

Hydrochemist, DSc (Chemical Sciences), Professor
Laureate of the State Prize, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR
Since 1946 he worked at the Institute of Oceanology, where he headed the Chemical Department.


Dobrovolsky Alexey Dmitrievich (1907-1990)

Oceanologist, DSc (Geographical Sciences),
Professor, State Prize Laureate


Elena Grimbalova

Head of Chancellery

Evgeniy Kulikov (27.01.1950 - 21.11.2020)

Chief Researcher
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)

Soloviev Tsunami Laboratory
Marine Geology

Fedorov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1927-1988)

Oceanologist, DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Specialist in Experimental Ocean Physics and Space Oceanology

Geodekyan Artem Aramovich (1914-1997)

Geophysicist, geologist
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
Honorary Oilman of the USSR, Corresponding Member of RAS

Irina Vikulova

The Chief Accountant of the IO RAS

Directorate of the IO RAS

Julia Bogdanova

Assistant director
PR and Media Relations

Kalinenko Vasilii Iosifovich (1898-1973)

Doctor of Biological Sciences (1945),
professor (1947)

Kort Vladimir Grigorievich (1913-1994)

Member of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1953), Professor (1954), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1973), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1979)
from 1953 to 1965 - Director of the Institute of Oceanology

Lappo Sergey Sergeevich (1938 - 2006) 

oceanologist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1981), professor (1987),
Corresponding Member of RAS (2000),
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1999), Academician of the RANS
from 1995 to 2006 - Director of the Institute of Oceanology of RAS

Leonid M. Brekhovskikh (1917-2005)

Outstanding scientist in the field of physics, ocean acoustics, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, advisor to the Presidium of RAS, director of the Acoustics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS. Hero of Socialist Labor. Lenin Prize Laureate.

Lisitzin Alexandеr Petrovich (1923 – 2020)

Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
Academician of RAS

Maria Artemyeva

Scientific Secretary of the IO RAS,
PhD (Philosophical sciences)

Directorate of the IO RAS

Max Barash (1.04.1935-25.10.2020)

Main Researcher
DSc (Geological and Mineralogical Sciences), Professor

Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy Laboratory
Marine Geology

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